Artificial Intelligence Lesson one: AI, ML, and DL, what’s the difference?

1 月 23, 2025 | Technology

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Definition of AI: The ability of a computer to mimic human cognitive functions.
Brief history and modern scope of AI: From rule-based systems to complex models.
Goal of AI: To enable computers to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

Examples of AI applications:

  • Voice assistants like Siri or Alexa.
  • Chatbots (e.g., customer service bots).
  • Self-driving systems (though partially ML/DL, the overall goal is AI).
  • AI-powered tools for creative tasks, like image generation (e.g., DALL-E).

The Broad Scope of AI: AI is a very broad term encompassing many different technologies and applications.

2. Machine Learning (ML): How AI Learns

Definition of Machine Learning: ML is a subset of AI.
Difference from traditional programming: Instead of explicitly telling a computer how to perform a task, it is given data to learn from.
Analogy: Like training a dog, showing examples so it learns patterns.

Learning Paradigms in Machine Learning

  1. Supervised Learning
    • Definition: Giving the computer example data with correct answers, so it learns how to make predictions.
    • Example: Spam filters.
    • How it works: Training a model with labeled data, e.g., giving examples of emails and labeling them as spam or not spam.
  2. Unsupervised Learning
    • Definition: Computers explore data without correct answers, finding patterns on their own.
    • Example: Customer segmentation based on purchasing habits.
    • How it works: Finding structure and relationships in data, e.g., grouping customers based on buying behavior.
  3. Reinforcement Learning
    • Definition: Computers learn through trial and error, like playing a game.
    • Example: Training a robot to walk, giving it a reward when it takes a step forward.
    • How it works: Learning the best strategy through rewards and penalties, e.g., giving rewards when a game character reaches a goal.

Examples of ML applications:

  • Recommendation systems like those used on Netflix.
  • Financial fraud detection.
  • Assistance in medical diagnosis by analyzing records and images.

Thought Exercise: Ask participants to brainstorm where else machine learning is applied in daily life and to identify the learning paradigm (supervised, unsupervised, or reinforcement) for an AI application of their choice.

3. Deep Learning (DL): An Enhanced Version of Machine Learning

Definition of Deep Learning: Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning.
Using artificial neural networks: Utilizing multiple layers of artificial neural networks (hence “deep”).
Ability to handle complex patterns: These networks can process complex patterns like images and speech.
Analogy: Like a super-smart brain that can recognize complex things.

Key technologies in Deep Learning:

  • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Used for image recognition.
  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): Used to process sequential data, such as text and speech.
  • Transformer Models: Used for natural language processing, such as translation. This is the architecture behind models like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini

Examples of Deep Learning Applications:

  • Image recognition: Facial recognition and object identification.
  • Voice assistants: Speech-to-text and natural language understanding.
  • Self-driving cars: Perceiving the environment and making driving decisions.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Understanding human language and translation. Models like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini are built using Deep Learning and excel at NLP tasks.
  • Generative AI tasks, like creating realistic images and human-like text. Models like DALL-E, Stable Diffusion (image generation), and GPT (text generation) use Deep Learning.

Thought Exercise: Ask participants to think about what applications require deep learning to be realized.

4. The Relationship Between AI, ML, and DL

Visual Representation: AI is the overarching goal, ML is a method to achieve it, and DL is a specific powerful technique within ML.

  • AI as a Goal: Creating intelligent computers.
  • ML as a Method: Learning from data to achieve AI goals.
  • DL as a Tool: A particularly powerful technique within ML.

Not all AI uses ML: Early AI research used rule-based systems.
Not all ML uses DL: Traditional machine learning algorithms such as linear regression are also important.
DL as one of the most powerful AI tools: Deep learning is currently a major technology for creating advanced AI.
Analogy: Imagine AI as a large construction project, ML as the building materials supplier, and DL as the most advanced building material.

5. Real-World Applications

AI Applications:

  • Chatbots answering customer questions.
  • Voice assistants.
  • AI-powered recommendation systems.

ML Applications:

  • Recommendation systems.
  • Spam filters.

DL Applications:

  • Image and facial recognition.
  • Natural language processing. Chatbots like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini are powered by DL models.
  • Self-driving cars.
  • Generative AI: creating images, music, text, and other kinds of content. Models like DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, and GPT are all Deep Learning models.

6. Summary and Further Learning

Course Key Points:

  • AI is the goal of creating intelligent computers.
  • ML enables computers to learn from data.
  • DL uses deep neural networks to learn complex patterns.
  • Modern AI breakthroughs are largely due to Deep Learning.

Learning Resources:


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